filtered by: year 2012
There have been a few incidents lately when a few of my fellow pros have found themselves in hot water for saying something they perhaps shouldn’t have. But this is the day and age we live in, with social networking websites giving players a voice they previously never had, as well as giving fans unprecedented access to them.
I’m a fan of sites such as Twitter and Facebook, and I believe they can play an important role in the life of a m
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Rivalry on the snooker table can be seen as being pretty intense, but away from the table we’re all good friends and you may be surprised how many of us socialise together. It’s not unusual for the players though, after all, we spend a lot of time together on tour, especially when we’re away, so it would be no surprise to find a group of us eating out or hanging out.
Barry Hawkins had his stag-do in Magaluf the other weekend and Jo
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If you enjoy it, remember to share it with other sports fans
The season is over – but it won’t be long before it starts again on June 8. For me though, it finished when I lost in the World Championship qualifying rounds to Luca Brecel. I’d had a good season and it would have been nice to have ended it at the Crucible, I was looking forward to having a good crack at it.
But what it gave me was the chance to get away from it all and think about something else. I watched a bit of the Worlds, it’s hard not to because it&
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Name: Michael Holt
Date of birth: Aug 7, 1978
Lives: Nottingham
Turned pro: 1998
World ranking: 27
Best ranking performance: Quarter-final of UK Championship 1999, LG Cup 2003, Grand Prix 2005, Welsh Open 2006. Winner of two PTC events (Prague 2010, Sheffield 2011)
Highest tournament break: 145 in UK Championship 2005
Nickname: The Hitman
What make of cue do you use? Glover. They’re a firm based in Ashby de la Zouch. It was a 16th birthday present and I still use it today
How many 147 breaks have you made, in competition or practice? I honestly don’t know. I’m not prolific, but it’s somewhere above 50
Who is the best player you’ve ever played? I’ve played everyone, but there’s been no-one better than Stephen Hendry
Who is the greatest player ever to pick up a snooker cue? Stephen Hendry, because he’s the most prolific winner and, when you ask what a great player should be, he had it all. In every facet of the game he’s the best, in terms of dedication, temperament and that he always gave it his all. Ronnie O’Sullivan is the best player to watch, but he hasn’t won as much as Hendry
What is your favourite tournament venue? The Crucible, it’s such a unique place that nowhere compares to it
Best moment in snooker? There haven’t been that many! I’d say winning the PTC in Prague because I’d had a bad season playing-wise, but I also had problems away from the table because my dad was ill. I beat John Higgins in the final but also had to beat Mark Selby, Shaun Murphy, Stephen Maguire and Jamie Cope on the way, so I had to do it the hard way. It was a very special moment and a great feeling taking the trophy to show my dad in hospital. But I hope my best years are still to come
Worst moment in snooker? How long have you got?! Probably when I lost to Steve Davis in the last 16 in Sheffield. I’d bee playing well but I let myself down and threw in the towel too early. I didn’t appreciate what I’d got or what I was doing and my attitude was shocking. I was very disappointed in myself.
What is your strongest trait as a player? My scoring is pretty good. I’ve always been decent at potting and break-building and, as I’ve got older, my knowledge of the game has improved too. The experience counts against some of the younger players around today
What is your walk-on music, and why? At the moment it’s The Night Has a Thousand Eyes by Bobby Vee, because it’s my dad’s favourite song. But it could change soon, it depends what mood I’m in!
Greatest match you’ve ever been involved in, win or lose? One that sticks out was when I was in my first season on the main tour when I was 20 or 21. I was playing Dene O’Kane in a qualifier and I beat him 5-1, with three hundred breaks and two 90s. He said afterwards that no-one had ever played better against him, and he wrote down ‘A star is born’.
Three things you like? 1) Ibizia 2) Eating and cooking – I’ve got a few speciality dishes, such as a chili and garlic prawn dish and beef wellington. It’s all about how you cook the mushrooms to stop the pastry going soggy 3) Laughing
Three things you hate? 1) People who are not genuine 2) Liars 3) Turkish delight
Three things you want? 1) Health 2) Happiness 3) To be a better snooker player
Three things you regret? 1) How my attitude has sometimes let me down 2) Not going to university – I would have loved to have studied sociology because I’m fascinated by people, or maybe something to do with cooking 3) Can’t think of a third, I’m not really one for regrets
Three things that need doing at home? 1) Painting the stairs again because my girlfriend chose the wrong colour! 2) Tidying the garden 3) Sorting out the kitchen
Follow Michael on Twitter: @hitmanholt
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